Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Scrappy Stuff

Creative juices have been flowing a bit more than usual lately could be because of all of the blogs I read and get inspiration from, or it could be all of the pictures I have been taking lately just waiting to get on paper. Regardless of why, I am excited to be getting pictures out of the envelopes they were shipped in and onto paper and into albums.

Had a great time with my family in the Outer Banks of NC this summer. One of the nice things about being part of a big family is there are always little kids around- I can't think of a better subject to photograph than little kids. I had almost as much fun creating this layout as the girls did at the beach.

Like many scrappers when I started scrapping, stickers were the one and only embellishment I used. I quickly realized there was a whole other world of embellishments out there and abandoned stickers; however, I have tons of them in my stash and need to get rid of them. I saw a layout recently that used an entire sheet of Making Memories WordFetti and thought "I could do that" and I did....... Felt pretty accomplished, I finished yet another layout and I got rid of an entire sheet of stickers, go me!!!


cinnibonbon said...

These babies are looking great! I know exactly what you mean about hose stickers, I have many and I've been trying to use all my old shit before buying more...hey at least I made it 4-1/2 months without buying stuff!!!
I say go for and use them all up.
Maybe all us blogging buddies should have " trade the shit you don't like" for more shit you don't like...LOL

Kim said...

Totally loving that you are blogging and scrapping and all that good schtuff...only a few more weeks and we will be at the beach...YEE HAW!

I am trying to use all my crap too, haven't shopped in like FOREVER.

Anna M said...

Love the Girl Power LO and how you used the entire sheet of stickers!

Have fun at Getaway!