Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Days are Here Again!!

Yet another week of fun Friday Fill-ins!

Questions courtesy of Julie this week

1. The cheesecake had an extra secret ingredient; it was delicious!
2. All I can see is rain through my window.
3. Right now, I need more time, too much to do and never enough time to get it done.
4. Home is where I went Thursday night; it was nice to go to bed early.
5. Why does growing up hurt so much?
6. All I can think of is the great time D and i are going to have in London.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to work, then finish packing, tomorrow my plans include work, then leaving for London and Sunday, I want to take lots of pictures and have fun with my husband!


OMH said...

WOW London - have fun......enjoyed your Friday Fill In.

Janet said...

oh man, you'll have TONS of fun in London! Thanks for playing :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I envy you going to London- I hope you have lots of fun!
Enjoy your weekend- I'm sure you will if you're traveling.

Medbie said...

Lucky you! London is on my list of places to see before I die!

Anna M said...

Isn't London the best? It is by far my most favorite European cities to visit!