Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Mail Days

Okay so it isn't really 100 days since I started blogging but this is my 100th post so I thought I would celebrate that. Luz recently celebrated her blog anniversary, Kim just started a new blog and Vera and her husband recently celebrated there 1 year wedding anniversary. These events call for a celebration here in blog land. I have additional reason to celebrate- the mailman has been very good to me over the past few days.

First to arrive was my Bind it all then came all of the wires to actually use the Bind It All

and not to be outdone, the ATG arrived today!!!

Here are my goodies in all their glory

Now if only I didn't work so damn much and had time to create stuff with all my new goodies.

I did have time to scrap the other day. Kim suggested a little swap amongst friends. We sent each other some pictures that we wanted scrapped- in addition to sending the pictures, we told the other what size layout we wanted and what the title had to be. I can't wait to start getting the layouts in the mail, it will be so neat to see what everyone created. I still own Kim a layout but I did get Marilee's done (just don't ask me if I have mailed them yet because that is another story!)ever since I got my scallop punch and paper crimper from Stampin' Up! I can't stop making flowers, they are so much fun! I never scrap 8 1/2 x 11 but it wasn't as hard as I thought I would be and with pictures as cute as the one Marilee sent, how could I not make the most of them?

Friday, April 25, 2008


Another week has come and gone which could mean only 1 thing- FRIDAY FILL-INS!!!

1. When I fell in love I was on vacation and realized I missed D more than I have missed anyone else before- told him I loved him almost immediately after I got back!
2. I look forward to the time when the flowers bloom and it heats up outside!
3. Oh no! The internet connection is down, what the hell am I going to do now?
4. _____ is the craziest tv show ever. Not sure about crazy, but 3 1/2 men is one of the funniest shows out there
5. Cheese and pepperoni make a great meal!
6. Love a garden however, I don't have the patience to plant or maintain one.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to D coming home- he has been on the road all week, tomorrow my plans include attending a memorial service for a friend of D's family and Sunday, I want to have a kick @$$ day at work so I won't feel bad for working on a Sunday!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Winning is everything.....

when it comes to shopping on Ebay. I got in my first official bidding war via text alert yesterday and it was so worth it- look what will coming to my house in the next 2-9 days (gotta love the USPS) and that isn't all, I also get actually those pictures don't do what I WON any justice:

1 Zutter Bind-It-All

Under 3 pounds in weight
Allows continuous punching in any length
Allows continuous binding in any length
Designed for Double Owires fro 5/16" to 1-1/4" diameter
Comes with instructional DVD
1 Zutter Book and Journal Making Tool Kit

All the tools you'll need to create the perfect book or journal.
Tool Kit includes:
6" stainless steel ruler (with anti-skid cork backing)
Bind-it-All designer ball point pen
Mini pliers with soft touch handle
Small precision scissors
Mini wire cutters with soft touch handle
Scoring tool (handmade of real bone)
Piercing tool with interchangable tips (w/ storage compartment for needles)
Large heavy-duty sewing needles
Precision craft knife
Spare blades for craft knife
36" measuring tape (in. and cm.)

I am so excited, can't wait to start using it.

On a separate ebay note I am 2 days and 7 hours away from being the proud owner of an ATG. Yes that is right, I finally decided to join the 21st century of scrappers and get the much coveted ATG!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday Morning Cartoons

I am participating in a Cartoon ATC Swap hosted by Kellie over at SisTV you can check it out
here we all picked some great cartoons- Jetsons, Rainbow Brite, Jem, Strawberry Shortcake and the Smurfs to name a few. I picked the Snorks because I had this great idea that I could do some type of underwater layout, here is where the problem begins. I now have no clue what I am going to do. I have Googled the Snorks and got some great pictures- I have narrowed it down to this one since it sums up the show and cast and the show the best. With the picture picked out you would think the hard part was over and I would be able to sit down and crank out the 20 cards I need to make, but that is not the case- I am totally stuck. I am hoping to be able to come up with something today, if/when I do I will be sure to post it. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I couldn't go to bed without this

There was no way I could let a Friday go by without posting my Friday Fill-ins

1. The last time I lost my temper I am sure I pitched a royal fit, I just don't remember when it was or what it was about!
2. Never having enough hours in the day is what I'm fed up with (I chose that instead of getting all political)!
3. The next book I'd like to read is Good to Great. I also want to read "Eat, Pray, Love".
4. Going to London with D is what I'm looking forward to.
5. If you can't get rid of the skeleton[s] in your closet, you must have had tons of fun putting them there!
6. The best thing I got in the mail recently was an invitation to a birthday party.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with D, tomorrow my plans include working, after work D and I hope to see a movie and Sunday, I want to sleep in before going to work, maybe I will even scrap a little too!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I did it!!!

I was motivated to complete April's 12 of 12 before May got here (no major accomplishment since I am still working on my "Journal your Christmas" so I grabbed my camera as soon as I woke up and didn't put it down until I was getting ready for bed. More surprisingly I took my camera to work the next day so I could print out some pictures and scrap them when I got home. Can you believe it- I took the pictures, printed them out and scrapped them in a 48 hour period?!?

I was going to post all of the pictures I took but thought it would be better just to post the layout I created- It might not be the most creative layout I ever came up with but I am feeling somewhat accomplished none the less. Doesn't really look like there are 12 pictures but there are (working from the upper left hand corner):

1. My lunch- Spinach stuffed slice from Sabarro and Diet Pepsi from Nathans- why I don't buy my soda from Sabarro is another post
2. It was a beautiful day, sunny and 72 degrees out, I love that my car has a digital thermostat
3. Me driving to work, I love my sunglasses!!!
4. The clouds were so fluffy, I couldn't help but take a picture out my moon roof while sitting at a red light
5. On the way to work my "low fuel" light came on
6. I had to stop and get gas, still can't believe I pay over $3 a gallon
7. I work at the mall, I turn right at the light at least 5 times a week and don't think I ever realized there as a sign pointing to the mall
8. I love being American, our flag and what it represents, I take pictures O'Glory whenever I can
9. I look at that building whenever I am sitting in traffic waiting to turn into the mall, love the way it looks like it is on a slant
10. I know Crocs are not a fashion statement, but they are so comfortable, I wear them back and forth to work everyday, they are like heaven after being in heels all day
11. No better way to end the day than with some ultra pampering products for your hair- I love Fekkai products. Dr. Wexler's foaming facial wash is the best facial wash I have ever used- can't get enough of it.
12. I love all the goodies in my shower, they really help wash all the stress of the day or life in general away

Tried to arrange the pictures in the shape of the number 4 in honor of April being the 4th month. Layout is kind of blah, I feel like it is missing something but I am not going to dwell on it, I will work on making May more creative.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Here we go again......

I feel like I haven't posted in forever. Thank God for Friday Fillins, at least I post once a week!

1. I love springtime in the northeast, it is great to see the trees getting leaves and the flowers peaking out from the soil!
2. Breakfast of champions- Diet Pepsi and an Icecream Sandwhich are foods I love to eat for breakfast.
3. It seems I'm always searching for my car keys.
4. A hot shower is a great way to end the day.
5. I think I am funny, smart and fun to be around!
6. Time with D is what I've been craving lately (he has been traveling like crazy).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with D (I have BBoy this afternoon, that is always fun), tomorrow my plans include taking pictures for the 12 of 12 project and Sunday, I want to have a good day at work and get home early!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Husband of the year

I know I would like to think I have the best husband in the whole world; however, the pictures below seem to burst my bubble, these men clearly are better husbands than my dear D as a matter of fact, I don't even think D is in the top 5......

Third place goes to Greece....

The men of Poland are not much better.....

Then there are the very romantic men of Ireland......

Not to be out done we have the men of Mexico
Last but not least, check out the men of America, makes me proud to be an American when I see things like this.....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I could cheat on my husband....

But only if it was with the UPS man, afterall he is the one who delivers D's paycheck every two weeks and he is the one who drops off all my new SU! supplies. Today was an extra happy day, he dropped off 2 boxes with tons of goodies in them. As a result his recent delivery, I was able to get some stuff accomplished. D and I are going to a wedding tomorrow- here is the card we will be giving to the happy couple:

here is the inside,

I finally got to play with the SU rub-ons, I must say they are pretty cool

I got the idea from the amazing gallery on SplitCoastStampers that place is loaded to the gills with inspiration and ideas. I love it there!

As much as I would like to stay up and play with all my new goodies, I need to get my butt to bed or I will be falling asleep at the wedding tomorrow.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It is officially Friday!

I feel like my week wouldn't be complete if I didn't post my Friday Fill-ins

1. Tonight I saw a text that said "my plane has landed" that made me smile because I knew D was on his way home.
2. Happy music makes me wanna dance!
3. Splitting a few appetizers between friends is the perfect way to spend an evening.
4. _____ is someone I'd like to get to know better. (I really feel like I should have an answer for this one, but I don't)
5. The smell of fresh cut grass reminds me so much of springtime! (even though it makes me sneeze)
6. D kissed it and that made it all better.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out with D after work, tomorrow my plans include going to a friend's wedding and Sunday, I want to spend time with D before he leaves for another week!