Thursday, March 27, 2008

Luz made me do it

I feel the need to apologize in advance of this post, be prepared the pictures you are about to see may cause eye damage and a weak stomach..... that being said, Luz posted a challenge yesterday and I knew if I didn't do it she would force me to- you know she used to be a Marine! Anyway the challenge was to draw (yes she said draw) a picture of yourself. For a hot second I thought about ignoring it but like I said she used to be a Marine and has a way of getting people to do what she wants. Then I thought about cheating, I figured I could take a picture of myself and use some photo editing software to end up with a picture that looked like it was drawn by a person (more importantly, me) I did that and this is what happened

I knew there was no way I could pass that off as mine, I got the math gene not the art gene. So then I thought it wouldn't be cheating if I traced the picture that the computer generated for me, that way I could say I actually drew the picture so this is what I came up with..... warning this is where it gets scary

In the event anyone is still reading this, I feel the need to justify the picture. No my eyebrows are not two different shapes, I don't think I have a double chin and to the best of my knowledge, my eyes are the same shape or as close to it as humanly possible.

Lucky for Luz I have a decent sense of self worth or seeing my version of myself would have pushed me right off the cliff.


cinnibonbon said...

OMG...OMG...were you trying to kill me as punishment for my challenge???? I almost F**Cking chocked on my biscuit. I was so not prepared for your humor!!!! ROFLMAO...beyond amazing.

That's what I did.. I looked at a photo of me and just tried my hand at making it look exactly as the picture...all I know is that those colored pencils help>>LOL>> I have a double chin, but I didn't draw it..hehe...hell I even look a pure magic!!!
You rock man...way to go and thanks so much for doing this for me!!!!!

cinnibonbon said...

P.S. You're right, I'm trained to kill...but as broken as I am, I might not be able to catch your young ass!!!!
mmm...which reminds me..
I am an expert marksman...LOL.
OOoops I've said too much...LOL

Kim said...

DAMNIT this is the 3rd time i have tried to post a comment - it kept on locking up my computer.

Love the pic, I still haven't done it yet.

Vera said...'s still a good drawing!

alittlebitofscrap said...

You did a great job, and I compliment the guts it took to put yourself out there like that.. I know how it feels. At least you drew your face, I drew an imaginary me... lol! I really really like the photoshop version as well. Happy Friday!! :)

Anna M said...

Shit...I thought I left a comment on this.

I am fucking laughing my ass off.
I still need to do mine!